We are pleased to announce that the Better Business Bureau Serving Central Ontario has moved to a new home. This September, our Main Office (currently located at 354 Charles Street East in Kitchener) is now located at 30 Duke Street West, Suite 903, in Kitchener.
The move will also see the amalgamation of our Main Office and our Business Office (currently located at 1 Eva Road, Suite 110, in Etobicoke). As of September 29th, we will no longer have an Etobicoke office and our BBB will operate solely from our new and larger location. All other BBB contact information will remain the same.
We appreciate your continued support as our BBB continues to grow and change, offering more extensive services throughout central Ontario.
Our New Location:
903 - 30 Duke Street West
Kitchener, Ontario
N2H 3W5