What are the best ways to ask your customers to submit reviews about their experiences? BBB offers the following tips to help entice more frequent reviews:
1.) Don't Be Afraid to Ask!
Be direct. Tell customers all their feedback and opinions are important to you. Ask them to share their experiences with others online using BBB.org. Include the customer review link in your e-mail signature, in a press release, or on your website.
2.) Use Verbal and Visual Reminders - More than Once.
It takes people several times to hear something before they remember it - let alone take action. In addition to verbally ask customers to read or submit customer reviews throughout the sales process, encourage them to read reviews at the beginning with links to your website or e-mail signatures. At the conclusion of a sale, ask for a review at the end with a follow up email, postcard, or sticker on the sales receipt.
3.) Make it Easy. Brand It.
BBB has a "Customer Review Toolkit" that includes email signatures, graphics, stickers, window clings, postcards, social media posts, signs and more. Customers have to simply click the button and they are able to submit a review. Please contact us if you require materials from the toolkit.
4.) Educate and Encourage Consumers.
An article that explains the benefits of sending in reviews would display the fact that it is in the best interest of the consumer (and your business) that they share their opinion. The more customers you have, the more likely you are to stay in business for those who enjoy your company.
5.) Create Content that is Shareable.
Create sharable content. Family and friends have the highest influence on purchasing decisions. Leverage social media posts and articles that can be easily "shared" among trusted friends and family.
6.) Leverage Key Partnerships.
Use the media to advertise those that support and trust your business. Display government agencies that have partnered with your business. Attend chambers events to promote BBB Customer Reviews. The partnerships build trust in your brand and encourage a customer review.
7.) Promote in Person.
Have a stack of cards asking for a review by the checkout; place a sign on the counter or utilize a window sticker on your storefront. Train employees to ask for reviews as a part of the daily interaction with customers.