10 Standards for BBB Customer Reviews
1.) Customer Reviews must be the genuine opinion of the consumer.
2.) A consumer who submits a review must have no personal or business affiliation with the business.
3.) A business may not offer any incentive or payment in exchange for customer reviews.
4.) Customer Reviews must be a truthful account of an experience with a business.
5.) Customer Reviews are not used in calculation of the BBB Rating.
6.) Customer Reviews, along with the contact information of the individual who made the submission, will be sent to the business. As a result, customer reviews cannot be annonymous.
7.) If a consumer submits a customer review, then files a complaint regarding the business, the customer review will not be posted.
8.) Customer Reviews are posted on BBB Business Profiles for 3 years.
9.) The text of all valid customer reviews will be publicly posted on BBB's website (and BBB reserves the right to decline posting in accordance with BBB policy).
10.) BBB does not report personally identifiable information in customer reviews. We may edit reviews to protect privacy rights and/or remove inappropriate language.