The following email has been circulated to businesses in our area with the subject line BBB SBQ Form. This has not been sent by the BBB and we are warning businesses to NOT click on any of the links in the email. If you could please forward the email to and then delete from your email.
A sample of the email is below:
From: Better Business Bureau []
Sent: July-31-12 8:39 AM
Subject: BBB SBQ Form #059760028(Ref#38-059760028-0-4)
Thank you for supporting your Better Business Bureau (BBB).
As a service to BBB Accredited Businesses, we try to ensure that the information we provide to potential customers is as accurate as possible. In order for us to provide the correct information to the public, we ask that you review the information that we have on file for your company.
We encourage you to use our ONLINE FORM to provide us with this updated information. The URL below will take you directly to this form on our
(UserID: 059760028 Password: VCm3kvfcm34kv)
You may also complete the form on the reverse side of this letter and mail to PO Box 1000; DuPont, WA; 98327; or fax to (206)436-5496.
Please look carefully at your telephone and fax numbers on this sheet, and let us know any and all numbers used for your business (including 800, 900, rollover, and remote call forwarding). Our automated system is driven by telephone/fax numbers, so having accurate information is critical for consumers to find information about your business easily.
Thank you again for your support, and we look forward to receiving this updated information.
Accreditation Services
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