We’re excited to announce the launch of BBB Business Profiles, previously known as BBB Business Reviews. We hope you’ll (Re) Discover everything your BBB Business Profile has to offer! The newly-designed profiles have features that make it easier for potential customers to seek out information on BBB Accredited Businesses (ABs). They were created based on extensive research and feedback from both consumers and businesses across the US and Canada.
BBB is always looking for ways to improve the user experience. As technology advances, so do functionality tools. BBB is taking advantage of these tools to further its mission to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. The new design optimizes the user’s experience - whether they are using a mobile device, tablet, or desktop computer.
Here’s what you can expect from the newly updated BBB Business Profile design:
- Information customers seek most is front and center
- Prominent placement of the “Submit A Review” button for customers to easily see and submit a Customer Review
- Easy-to-use tabs, allowing users to quickly access information about the business, including complaints, Request A Quote and information about BBB Accreditation
- Prominent placement of the BBB Accredited Business Seal to clearly define an AB from a non-AB
In addition, each profile features a scrollable display that allows users to view photos and videos on the business.
We encourage you to check out your new BBB Business Profile. Add additional details about your business, alternate business names, social media links, and pictures and videos. (Re)Discover this great tool for your business and maximize the benefits of your accreditation today! For assistance, please contact our Business Services Department.